Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is Your Passion For Older Cars Getting Diminished.

It may seem like an oxymoron, old cars becoming the future, but that is what is happening. Gone are the days of flipping through the Old Car Trader to Find the deals. Then you may search the whole magazine and not find the car you are looking for. This is the old school way. The power of the internet has changed the way we find our classic cars.

It seems like progress seems to make everything easier and easier this includes making it easier to find old cars. Publications that only come out every week, or even some that are only monthly like the old car trader, can be counterproductive when looking for your next project muscle cars. Being able to search for your classic muscle cars when you want, is so much nicer. Buy using online sites that do what the old car trader does only dynamically, and with filters, you can see exactly what you are looking for, and is available right at that instant.

If you have already found your classic car, and are now looking for parts, the same sites that offer classic car search also have parts databases. You used to have to call a hundred different places, search junk yards and even flip through more old car trader magazines mostly in vain of what you are looking for. The old way of finding parts can be difficult and time consuming. I love how far we have come, the online classic car trader sites and parts selection have grown exponentially. Every part you would ever need is at your finger tips. There is not even a need to pick up a phone anymore! Refurbishing classic cars should be done out of love. Once the bug has bitten you, it becomes very passionate. Thanks to the online databases, and national coverage, you can now save so much time and money, which means more time spent actually working on your ride.

Once your finished your new project cars, no more old car trader, just punch in your next search, you are looking at a whole new list of prospects. Even better then the convenience of the buying our classic rids online, is that we very often get them cheaper than the ones listed in the old car trader. Almost any old car site you go to today is very easy to use, and has a very large selection of old cars and parts.

You can always Google something like "Cheap old cars" to see a listing of many sites. There is a good one here that has a good article on the Old Car Trader It also contains complete listings of every classic and antique car for sale online right now.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Information About Cheap Cars

These days, our society has become more prone to the luxurious life. People want to live with all the comforts, big houses, bungalows, good food and wine, and most of all nice cars.

Cars have become so easy to buy these days that every plebian can own one. It is no more considered a status symbol of the rich and wealthy. There are many companies who sell cars at a low price. These may be second-hand, but still they are worth the price.

There are many places you can look for to buy cheap cars for sale. Car dealerships, car auctions, and classifieds all do this business. Usually, cheap cars are used cars. One way to buy cheap used cars is through the internet.

There are a lot of resources available and only little knowledge is required. Another place to find cheap cars is government seized car auctions. Here, most of the cars are cheap and it depends on the other customers. The person with the highest bid will get the car.

However, regardless of where you are buying the cheap car, it is very important to do the necessary research first. The dealership should be a reliable one and make sure to ask around to find out if there was any fraud associated with that specific dealership.

Also, the car should be economical to you and profitable. All the paperwork should be done to avoid any surprises later.

There are many important things to be kept in mind when buying a cheap car. The major concerns to watch out for are the equipment inside the car, mileage, and warranty. To avoid having any regrets later, a thorough research must be done before buying a cheap car.

There are several questions to ask yourself when buying a cheap used cars.

Firstly, how much is the budget? Under this, insurance, any repairs, maintenance costs should be included.

Secondly, what type of car do you wish to buy? The car should suit your lifestyle and image. It’s important to gather information from friends, family, and colleagues.

Next, how much mileage is on the car? Many used car dealers do fraud by manipulating the odometer to read lesser number of miles. Also, make sure to take the car on a test drive.

Make sure the engine starts immediately without any weird sounds and test out the steering, brakes etc. All these tips must be kept in mind when buying cheap cars on sale.

The Softest Path To Find Cheap Car Insurance Rates

If you search for the car insurances on Google, you will get more than 50 million webpage links. So what do you do to find the cheapest rates possible with so many options? Do you stop at each site and repeatedly provide the information requested or is there an easier method? Sounds like a lot of work!

Cool cars provides a much easier solution. By only completing one set of questions, an instant rate comparison can be made from a variety of quality insuring companies with recognizable brands. This is, by far, the easiest way find cheap cars insurance by comparing quotes and choosing the cheapest one which offers the coverage you need.

While on your quest to finding the cheapest insurance, you must be clear about what you want. There will be multiple choices in front of you under which you must make a choice on important factors such as a low price; however, there are also important factors to consider such as coverage. Of course, the less coverage you get, the cheaper the rates, but there must be a balance between both. Although if you strip down to the bare minimum protection it can save money, in the long run it may cost more if you are caught under-protected and have to pull money out of pocket to cover expenses.

The Internet allows users to analyze data and complete further research on specific insurers. Download brochures and policies to include in the comparison and consider the number of services provided and ease of filing claims. The often overlooked aspects are the important ones. Take for example customer service which can be overlooked until it’s needed. There could be tough decisions between the various companies offeringcheap quotes and at that point, you must review all aspects and make a decision based on which makes you feel more comfortable.

Tips for Cheaper Auto Insurance Rates

Take advantage of the different discounts provided by the various insurance companies and thus ensure cheaper rates. Be aware that most insurers will offer lower premiums for those who drive less. If you drive a small amount of mileage to work or school, you may fall into a lower costing category.

Multiply your commute one way to work by 500 and then add 5,000 to get an estimated annual mileage.

Example: 5 miles to work one way X 500 = 2500 + 5,000 = 7,500 annual mileage

Although the formula above varies within carriers, it should give you a good idea if you qualify for cheaper auto insurance rates through a low mileage discount. Possibly, any commute under 10,000 annual miles will generate the cheapest rates because the less on drives, the lower the risk of having a loss. For more tips on savings, check out the video on how to find the cheapest auto insurance rates online which provides more details.

Source: The Easiest Way to Find Cheap Car Insurance Rates

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How to Buy Muscle Cars?

Increasingly popular with muscle car collectors are "resto-mods." As the name implies, resto-mods are restored but they are also modified or modernized. From the outside, a good resto-mod looks like a faithfully restored muscle car.

Inside, though, it might have better seats, three-point safety belts not available on the original, disc brakes where the original had slower-stopping drum brakes or other modern parts that make the car more enjoyable to drive and safer than it would have been with "correct" parts.

In most types of collecting, any change from the original detracts value and it is that way with many muscle car collectors.

"Some guys want matching numbers," Jackson said, referring to identification codes used to track cars and parts, "all the way down to 1970 air in the tires."

For some collectors, though, modifications in the interest of comfort, safety or performance can add to a car's value.

"There is a greater tolerance for modified muscle cars than there is for, say, modified '50s cars," said Hagerty.

That's because many muscle car collectors like to drive what they collect. For example, Jackson even drives his authentic '71 Hemi Cuda convertible, he said. The original engine stays in the garage, though, mounted on a display stand.

How much variation is acceptable from the original is a matter of taste. Before making any purchase of a collectible car, it is important that the buyer understand exactly what's being purchased, experts agreed.

That means asking lots of questions, checking all paperwork carefully and, all the experts CNN/Money spoke with agree, enlisting the help of a knowledgeable appraiser. Also, they said, while a well-bought classic race car is unlikely to decline in value, buyers shouldn't look at any classic car as purely an investment.

"It's primarily in the love of the car," said Brett Torino, a Las Vegas-area real estate developer with an extensive collection of classic muscle cars, including some extremely rare cars. "You don't get into it for the money."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cars For Sale By Owner Near Chicago Area

Do you live in or around the Chicago area? If you do, are you also in the market for a new used car? If you are, have you already started your used car search? If you have yet to do so, you may want to think about examining all of your options. When it comes to buying used cars, many individuals end up wasting precious time, as well as hard-earned money. By first examining all of your used car buying options, you should be able to create a plan for yourself. This plan cannot only help you find a quality used car to buy, but it may also be able to save you a considerable amount of time and money.

In and around the Chicago area, you should be able to find a large number of used car dealerships. These dealerships are sometimes a great place to find used cars. The only downside to Cars for sale by owner from a Chicago used car dealership is that you never really know exactly who you are doing business with। Unfortunately, over the past few years, a large number of used car dealerships have started using some questionable tactics to help improve their sales. Now, this isn't just limited to the Chicago area, as it is a trend that is seen all across the country, but it is still something that you should keep in mind.

Although you should display caution when looking to buy a used car from a Chicago used car dealership, it does not mean that you shouldn't at least stop and examine the selection of cars at a used car dealership। As with Used cars by owner from anywhere, you are advised against relying on the word of the seller. Instead of just taking someone's word, you will also want to do your own inspection. It is advised that you closely examine and inspect all used cars that you find at a dealership. You can expect to pay more money for a used car at a dealership than you would anywhere else; therefore, you want to make sure that your money will be money well spent.

In addition to buying a used car from a Chicago dealership, you can also buy a used car from other Chicago residents or from residents in the surrounding areas. When it comes to buying a new car, many new car buyers try to sell their own cars on their own, instead of using them for a trade-in. Many car owners believe that this will get them more money for their cars. The good thing about buying a used car directly from a car owner is that you never know when you may find a good deal. You may be able to find a used car for sale just by driving to and from work or on your way home from grocery shopping.

Although buying a used car directly from the car owner is a great way to find a quality used vehicle, you need to be careful about overpaying. As previously mentioned, a large number of car owners try to sell their own cars, instead of relying on them for a trade-in. This is often done in hopes of making extra money. That is what leads many individuals to price their Used cars for sale by owner too high. Of course, you will want to make sure that you thoroughly examine and inspect any used car that you are interested buying, but you may also want to think about doing a little bit of research; research concerning the value of the vehicle in question. This will help to prevent you from paying too much money for a used car.

Another option that you have when looking to buy a used car is auto auctions. Auto auctions are nice because you are often able to choose from a large number of used cars. Some Chicago auto auctions have as many as fifty or more cars at each of their auctions. It is also important to mention that auto auctions are one of the cheapest ways to go about getting a used car. One of the reasons for that is because auto auctions are almost like a well-kept secret. Many used car shoppers do not realize just how great auto auctions really are.

Although auction auctions are a great way to buy a used car, you should proceed with caution. In and around the Chicago area, you should be able to find a number of used car auctions, many of which are held on a scheduled basis. To find an affordable, but reliable used car, you will want to attend an auto auction that gives you as much information on the used cars that they will be selling. There are some used car auction houses or companies, like North Shore Auto Auction, that post information on their upcoming auto auctions online, including vehicle pictures, as well as detailed information. You may also want to attend an auction auto that gives you the opportunity to closely examine or inspect each vehicle before bidding.

As you can see, you have a number of different options when it comes to buying a used car. For the best chance of success, you may want to think about attending a number of auto auctions, visit some Chicago used car dealerships, as well as speak with any car owners that may have used cars available for sale. By keeping all of your options open, you are more likely to find the used car of your choice.

Source: Buying A Used Car: Your Options Reviewed

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Fuel Effect On Muscle cars

In the 1960s there was a class of cars introduced to the world known as muscle cars. These cars were sleek and sporty and contained a powerful engine. Most of these cars boasted a V8 engine which was geared for speed. As these cars were produced the manufacturers were in stiff competition with each other. As each manufacturer tried to out do the other, we were led into an era of some of the fastest cars of our time. With no thought to gas and fuel efficiency, Americans seemed to be having the time of their lives. Their cars were fast and eye-catching, both on the road and on the race track. Racing stripes and flashy decals made a statement about both the car and the driver. It seemed the flashier the car the more desirable.

At a time when the luxury automobile was the king of the road for the married set, the younger crowd wanted something smaller, faster, and sportier. The Shelby Mustang and the 440 Roadrunner are two of the fast cars which were built to satisfy the desire for high performance and speed. There were many more fast cars to come. Camaros, Chargers, GTOs, and Firebirds all tried to pack as much punch under the hood as was possible. Corvettes offered speed and sleek style, but they also had a high price tag. Most of the other high performance cars offered a price that was affordable to the average working class people.

The Fuel Effect

During the 1960s and 70s auto manufacturers were riding high on a wave of speed and performance. Then we entered an era where we were told gas was in short supply and we were destroying the ozone with our extravagant auto emissions. We reluctantly let go of our fast and sporty cars and took to the streets with a V6 and even a V4. Gas mileage and cheaper insurance costs forced the fast cars onto the race track and off the roadways.

The desire for speed will be with us always. We will probably never again see a time when speed and high performance engines are sold for the every day street racing car but we can get a glimpse of these cars at the raceway or at vintage car shows. The baby boomers were around to see these cars at their inception and they still carry a torch for them today. Many will spend a small fortune to restore one of these original fast cars back to their former splendor.